Selected Publications
Nguyen, G., Taesiri, M.R., Kim, S.S. and Nguyen, A., 2024. Allowing humans to interactively guide machines where to look does not always improve a human-AI team’s classification accuracy. (CVPRW2024)
Nguyen, G., Chen, V., Taesiri, M.R. and Nguyen, A., 2024. PCNN: Probable-Class Nearest-Neighbor Explanations Improve Fine-Grained Image Classification Accuracy for AIs and Humans. (TMLR2024)
- Taesiri, M.R., Nguyen, G., Habchi, S., Bezemer, C.P. and Nguyen, A., 2023. Imagenet-hard: The hardest images remaining from a study of the power of zoom and spatial biases in image classification. (NeurIPS2023).
- Nguyen, G., Taesiri, M., Nguyen, A., 2022. Visual correspondence-based explanations improve human-AI team accuracy. (NeurIPS2022, XAI4CV@CVPR2022). Two first authors contributed equally.
- Nguyen, G., Kim, D. and Nguyen, A., 2021. The effectiveness of feature attribution methods and its correlation with automatic evaluation scores. (NeurIPS2021, WHMD@NeurIPS2021).
- Nguyen G., Chen S., Jun T.J., Kim D. (2021) Explaining How Deep Neural Networks Forget by Deep Visualization. (ICPR2020).
- Nguyen, G., Jun, T.J., Tran, T., Yalew, T. and Kim, D., 2019. ContCap: A scalable framework for continual image captioning. arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.08745.